Monday, June 8, 2009

I, Robot

I, Robot is one of the books suggested for our next book club. I, Robot is a collection of short stories originally published in 1950 by Isaac Asimov. It is composed of nine stories:
"Catch that Rabbit"
"Little Lost Robot"
"The Evitable Conflict"
and is the place where Asimov introduced his famous "Three Laws of Robotics". (Can you name them?)

The other book is a TBD romance novel to be chosen by C.S. It's mostly for funsies, but C.S. is going to share a paper analyzing this popular type of fiction!

Book Club Guidelines

Some good advise is that you should set rules for your book club at the very beginning. We didn't do that, but, we're not much for rules. But, we did settle on the following guidelines:

  • Membership is currently closed. Sorry, teeming throngs, but, at around 8-10ish folks, our book club is just right. We're afraid any more will stretch our living rooms and our conversation too much. If we loose a member, we'll talk about adding a new one.

  • Guests. Guests are allowed if the guest-bringer has the permission of the host. The guest-bringer has the responsibility of telling the guest that they are not, in fact, a member.

  • Hosting. Hosting is not required by members, but, anyone is welcome to host.

  • Choosing Books. Books are suggested by members and then agreed upon in a consensus. We don't have a real method for this, but all members are welcome to suggest books.

  • Reading the Book. Obviously reading the book is a prerequisite for attending. If you haven't finished the last chapter because you ran out of time, that's ok - but, the purpose is to read and discuss the book of the month.

We can always revisit these if anyone wants to! Thanks, everyone!

For your amusement, I include these other uptight book club rules:
Book Club Rules and Standards (When you speak, please state your name.)
The Reading Club (show zero tolerance for inappropriate behaviour)
Barely Literate Book Club (Spouses and significant others who are not book club members may sit quietly in the back)